Welcome to the Task Force Guardian

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On the Class M planet Valt, Star Base 113 proudly stands as a symbol of unwavering strength and resilience against potential Klingon threats. Nestled within Valt's rugged terrain, the base is a marvel of engineering, fortified with advanced technology and formidable weaponry. Its imposing silhouette looms over the horizon, a testament to the Federation's commitment to security and protection.

Equipped with the latest in defensive technology, Star Base 113 boasts an intricate network of long-range sensors and phaser arrays, capable of swiftly detecting and neutralizing any incoming threat. Its skilled crew, comprised of some of the Federation's finest personnel, undergo rigorous training to ensure seamless operation and readiness for any eventuality.

Task Force Guardian, the vanguard of Federation defense, leads the charge in safeguarding the Federation Territory from the relentless Klingon threat. At the helm of this formidable task force is the USS Halo, a massive cruiser bristling with advanced weaponry and cutting-edge technology. This imposing flagship is a beacon of strength, its presence instilling confidence in allies and striking fear into the hearts of adversaries.

Supporting the USS Halo are other equally impressive vessels. The USS Intrepid, a nimble and agile vessel, is adept at reconnaissance and rapid response missions. The multi-mission USS New Orleans stands ready to undertake a diverse array of tasks, from combat engagements to diplomatic endeavors. The USS Townsend, a sleek long-range scout ship, is armed with cutting-edge sensors and communication technology, making it an invaluable asset for intelligence-gathering missions. Serving as the steadfast backbone of the task force, the USS California, a powerful battleship, brims with heavy armor and advanced weaponry, ready to face any threat head-on.

Task Force Guardian's courage, tenacity, and adaptability make them a formidable force, capable of addressing any challenge that dares to cross their path. Their unwavering dedication to maintaining peace and safeguarding the Federation Territory serves as a testament to the indomitable spirit of the Federation.

From the distant stars to the limitless expanse of space, the ships of Task Force Guardian embody the very essence of the Federation's noble ideals. Their unwavering commitment to defending the Federation is an awe-inspiring testament to the courage and determination of humanity, serving to inspire all who gaze upon the celestial canvas with hope and wonder.


Task Force Guardian Rating-The Only Sim To Have the 3-3-3 Rating
RPG Rating 3 3 3

3-Swearing and mature language is permitted.

3-Sexual content may be described in detail

3-Explicit violence is permitted



Fleet Group

Task Force Guardian


Command Staff

USS Halo
Admiral Chris Townsend - Commanding Officer
Open - First Officer
Commander Paul Sleeford - Second Officer

USS Intrepid
Brigadier General Emily Janeway - Commanding Officer
Colonel Brice Kellin - First Officer

USS New Orleans
Open - Commanding Officer
Open - First Officer

USS Townsend
Captain Logan Reese- Commanding Officer
Commander T'Rylea Rochelle - First Officer

USS California
Open - Commanding Officer
Open - First Officer

Star Base 113
Open - Commanding Officer
Commodore Aaron Hess - First Officer


Latest News Items

» Attention - Login

Posted on 2024, Fri Jun 28th, @ 12:51pm by Admiral Christopher Townsend in Halo News

I am now back early, Please login and review any current saved mission posts

» Attention Task Force Gaurdian

Posted on 2024, Wed Apr 17th, @ 1:27pm by Admiral Christopher Townsend in Halo News

Dear all,

I am writing to inform you that, effective today, April 17th, 2024, the USS Odyssey and USS Vengence have been integrated into Star Trek Outliers and are now part of Task Force Echo. Should you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me via the website, Discord, or at stoutliers-co@starfleetuk.org.

Thank you for your attention.

Best regards, Jayden

» New Chief Security Officer USS Halo

Posted on 2024, Wed Apr 17th, @ 10:26am by Admiral Christopher Townsend in Halo News

Greetings esteemed audience,

Please join us in extending a warm welcome to Commander Paul Sleeford, The Halo's newly appointed Chief Security Officer
We are delighted to have such distinguished individuals join our team, and we are confident that their expertise and leadership skills will help us achieve our organizational goals.

Thank you for your attention and welcome aboard, Commander Paul Sleeford, Cheif Security Officer, USS Halo

We are delighted to have such a distinguished individual join our team, and we are confident that his expertise and leadership skills will help us achieve our organizational goals.

Thank you for your attention and welcome aboard, Commander Paul Sleeford, Cheif Security Officer, USS Halo

» New Mission

Posted on 2024, Wed Apr 17th, @ 9:43am by Admiral Christopher Townsend in Halo News

Hello All, Congrats On Finishing Dark Past Are Hidden For A Reason, We all did good on that mission, As of right now, All the Halo Crew will be joining in for the Current Star Base 113 Mission, Attack of the The Attack Of the Cadavera(Starbase 113/Outpost)

Kalkarindji, a renowned contractor known for their expertise in disposing of hazardous materials, was awarded a lucrative contract by Star Fleet to destroy several thousand body parts and corpses. However, due to an unforeseen error, the remains are now hurtling towards SB113, and the crew is faced with a daunting task. What measures will they take to avert the potential disaster and ensure the safety of everyone involved?

» Welcome Back

Posted on 2024, Wed Apr 10th, @ 9:50am by Admiral Christopher Townsend in Halo News

It is my pleasure to inform you that the following esteemed officers have resumed their active duties:
- Rear Admiral Malcolm Reese
- Captain Logan Reese
- Commander Quinn Pensky-Reese
- Lieutenant Lyric Reese.
We kindly request that you extend them a warm welcome and support as they continue their service to our Sim!

Latest Mission Posts

» Reassignment

Mission: Revenge Of Group Omega
Posted on 2024, Sat Jul 13th, @ 12:23pm by Colonel Rachel Kane & Colonel Grace Johnsen & Lieutenant Colonel Kane & Brigadier General Emily Janeway

Kane, a skilled and experienced member of Star Fleet, had recently been reassigned to the USS Intrepid, the first Marine Vessel created since the 2390s. The Intrepid was a state-of-the-art ship equipped with the latest technology and weaponry. It was responsible for carrying out some of the most critical missions…

» Distress Beacon

Mission: Revenge Of Group Omega
Posted on 2024, Sat Jun 29th, @ 1:29pm by Admiral Christopher Townsend & Commander Kate Townsend & Lieutenant Aubrie Fox & Lieutenant Lillian Hansen & Sergeant Major JB Dersch & Gunnery Sergeant Janet Bruke III & Corporal Kate Score & Leela & Colonel Sandra "Fanthom" Risa & Commander Dorna Villersh & Commander Paul Sleeford

As Townsend entered the Stellar Cartography room, he knew exactly what he needed to check. The room was equipped with advanced technology, allowing him to map out the stars and better understand the surrounding space. However, before he could even begin his work, he heard a sudden beep from the…

» Intrepid - Butcher, Blade's looking for you and your idiot

Mission: Revenge Of Group Omega
Posted on 2024, Mon May 13th, @ 7:54am by Master Warrant Officer Arctic Coquix

Master Warrant Officer Arctic Coquix, took a deep breath and eased her way along the corridor. She didn't pay any attention to the male marines who passed her.

"Hey sweetheart, what do you say we get something to drink?"

Arctic looked at the male. "What do you say we don't."…

» Fried Battered Steamed

Mission: Revenge Of Group Omega
Posted on 2024, Mon May 13th, @ 2:43am by Rear Admiral Ilyce (Pronounced Ice) Collins & Captain Maddison Black

Maddison Black grinned, but didn't say anything when Rear Admiral Ilyce Collins walked through the door to what was the home of 113's Damage Control.

Ilyce held one hand up in a stop signal.
"Don't comment." She slid into the chair near where Mad was sitting. "He found the one…

» Kalkarindji - Starbase

Mission: Getting Ready (Character Development)OUTPOST
Posted on 2024, Tue May 7th, @ 2:30am by Outpost Captain Savage Ivanov & Commander Nordic Volkov & Sugar Glass Dr & Civilian Black Element & Citizen Ivanov Men

"Morning All, how are we this fine morning." The accent was heavily Scottish. The man was not as big as Savage's lot, but he wasn't small.

"I'm getting a bit......"

"Yes, unfortunately this came up rather quickly and I needed you all here together. I've already briefed Maddison." Duncan MacGregor…

Latest Personal Logs

» Update 101

Posted on 2024, Tue May 7th, @ 1:31pm by Commander Kate Townsend

I'm thrilled to share that we're currently on our way back to Star Base 113, and I'm eagerly anticipating our next mission. Our previous mission was an unforgettable journey, filled with excitement, challenges, and unexpected twists at every turn. Our journey began with us departing from Earth, where we restocked…

» New command

Posted on 2024, Wed Apr 10th, @ 4:02am by Captain Logan Reese

"Captains personal log,

As I was going to the admirals office, I didn't know what he wanted to talk to me about. However, I'm pretty sure it's a good sign for me. My very first command of a starship. Not sure what it is like I said. But it's possible…

» USS Halo - Log one

Posted on 2024, Fri Feb 16th, @ 6:42am by Lieutenant Teresina Waylin

Sin lay on the bunk, on one of the marine decks, surrounded by Halo's innards, all the decorative plating piled up around the deck. Not a single drop of retardant in sight. Several groups of Halo's crew occupied other bunks.

She opened her PADD log, and looked at the first…

» Disowned Klingon? What Could Go Wrong

Posted on 2024, Tue Feb 13th, @ 3:29pm by Lieutenant Commander B'Orak

I have been in Starfleet for 6 years, And have risen to the Rank of Lt. Commander...To What? I got disowned by my Faction. Kicked from any Klingon related Groups. Man, I rather just be human, But I was born a Klingon, So I have to uphold my oath that…

» It is time to find happiness through the end of the day

Posted on 2024, Tue Jan 30th, @ 3:07pm by Brigadier General Emily Janeway

In the Holodeck simulation, the Janeway family's farmhouse was next to an old horse barn. The barn recreated the sounds of horses and the agricultural landscape in the evenings.

As Emily approached the farmstead on a lovely evening, she noticed two men walking towards her from a distance. These men…