Captain Maddison Black

Name Maddison Black

Position Retired Cast

Rank Captain


  • 13 Mission Posts
  • 1 News Items

Last Post

2024, Mon May 13th, @ 2:43am

Character Information

Gender Female
Place Of Origin Alloway Station
Species Human
Date Of Birth(DOB) 24th December 2372
Age Looks mid-thirties
Nick Name Mad

Physical Appearance

Height 5 foot 5
Weight 61 Kilos
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Black
Physical Description Mad is 5 feet 5 in height, and weighs 61 kilos. She has black hair which hangs to her shoulders and is straight, without a single wave. She is of thin build, but doesn’t look underweight. Her skin is unscarred. She has a numerous tattoo’s all in Sanskrit, all of them are quotes relevant to her.
जीवनम् एकः अवसरः अस्ति, तस्मात् लाभं लभत। जीवनं सौन्दर्यम् अस्ति, तस्य प्रशंसा कुरुत। जीवनं स्वप्नम् एव, तत् साक्षात्करोतु। जीवनं एकं आव्हानं, तत् मिलतु। जीवनं कर्तव्यं, तत् सम्पूर्णं कुरुत। जीवनं क्रीडा अस्ति, क्रीडतु। जीवनं प्रतिज्ञा अस्ति, तत् पूर्णं कुरु। जीवनं दुःखं, तत् अतितिष्ठतु। जीवनं गीतं, गायतु। जीवनं संघर्षः, स्वीकुरुत। जीवनं त्रासदी अस्ति, तस्य सम्मुखीभवन्तु। जीवनं साहसिकं कार्यम् अस्ति, साहसं कुरुत। जीवनं भाग्यम् अस्ति, तत् कुरुत। जीवनम् अतिमूल्यम् अस्ति, तस्य नाशं मा कुरुत। जीवनं जीवनम्, तदर्थं युद्धं कुरुत। मदर टेरेसा Located just below her left shoulder. Translated as:

Life is an opportunity, benefit from it. Life is beauty, admire it. Life is a dream, realize it. Life is a challenge, meet it. Life is a duty, complete it. Life is a game, play it. Life is a promise, fulfill it. Life is sorrow, overcome it. Life is a song, sing it. Life is a struggle, accept it. Life is a tragedy, confront it. Life is an adventure, dare it. Life is luck, make it. Life is too precious, do not destroy it. Life is life, fight for it. Mother Teresa

अस्माभिः ज्ञाताः सुन्दरतमाः जनाः सन्ति ये पराजयं ज्ञात्वा दुःखं ज्ञात्वा संघर्षं ज्ञात्वा हानिं ज्ञात्वा गभीरात् बहिः मार्गं प्राप्तवन्तः। एतेषां व्यक्तिनां जीवनस्य प्रशंसा, संवेदनशीलता, अवगमनं च भवति यत् तेषां करुणा, सौम्यता, गहनप्रेमचिन्ता च पूरयति सुन्दराः जनाः केवलं न भवन्ति। एलिजाबेथ कुब्लर-रॉस Located just above her left elbow. Translated as:

The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

जीवनं ताशक्रीडा इव अस्ति। भवतः हस्तः निरूपितः भवति सः नियतवादः; यथा भवन्तः तत् क्रीडन्ति तत् स्वेच्छा एव। जवाहरलाल नेहरू Located just below her left elbow. . Translated as:
Life is like a game of cards. The hand you are dealt is determinism; the way you play it is free will. Jawaharlal Nehru

ज्ञानं प्राप्तुं अध्ययनं करणीयम्; प्रज्ञां प्राप्तुं तु अवलोकनीयम्। मर्लिन वोस सावंत
Located mid lower left arm between elbow and wrist . Translated as:

To acquire knowledge, one must study; but to acquire wisdom, one must observe. Marilyn vos Savant

जीवनं तूफाने शरणं न प्राप्नोति। वर्षायां नृत्यं शिक्षितुं विषयः अस्ति। शेरिलिन् केन्योन् Located on her left wrist. Translated as:

Life isn't finding shelter in the storm. It's about learning to dance in the rain. Sherrilyn Kenyon

ज्ञानापेक्षया कल्पना अधिका महत्त्वपूर्णा अस्ति। ज्ञानं सीमितम् अस्ति। कल्पना जगत् परितः भवति। अल्बर्ट आइन्स्टाइन Located just below her right shoulder . Translated as:

Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world. Albert Einstein

यत् गण्यते तत् युद्धे श्वः परिमाणं न भवति - श्वः युद्धस्य परिमाणम् एव। ड्वाइट डी आइज़नहावर Located above her right elbow. Translated as:
What counts is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight - it's the size of the fight in the dog. Dwight D. Eisenhower

रणनीतिं विना रणनीतिः विजयस्य मन्दतमः मार्गः अस्ति। रणनीतिं विना रणनीतिः एव पराजयात् पूर्वं कोलाहलः भवति। सूर्य त्ज़ु Located just below her right elbow. . Translated as:
Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat. Sun Tzu

विजयः तेषां मूल्यं दातुं इच्छुकानां कृते आरक्षितः अस्ति। सूर्य त्ज़ु
Located midway between her right elbow and wrist. Translated as:
Victory is reserved for those who are willing to pay its price. Sun Tzu

शत्रुस्य उपरि चिन्तनं अधिकं महत्त्वपूर्णं, न तु तस्य इत्यस्य विरुद्धं युद्धं कर्तुं। सूर्य त्ज़ु Located on her right wrist.. Translated as:
It is more important to out think your enemy, than to outfight him Sun Tzu

शत्रुनाशस्य आवश्यकता नास्ति। केवलं तस्य प्रवृत्तेः इच्छां नाशयितुं आवश्यकता वर्तते। सूर्य त्ज़ु Located on her back . Translated as:

One need not destroy one's enemy. One need only destroy his willingness to engage. Sun Tzu

यत्र सः असज्जः अस्ति तत्र तं आक्रमय, यत्र भवतः अप्रत्याशितम् अस्ति तत्र प्रकटयतु। सूर्य त्ज़ु Located on her back . Translated as:

Attack him where he is unprepared, appear where you are not expected. Sun Tzu

सर्वं युद्धं वञ्चनाधारितम् अस्ति। अतः समर्थे अक्षमतायाः अभिनयं कुर्वन्तु; यदा सक्रियः, निष्क्रियता। समीपे सति दूरं भवति इति भासयतु; दूरे सति यत् त्वं तं प्रलोभयसि; विकारं कृत्वा तं प्रहरन्ति। यदा सः एकाग्रतां करोति तदा तस्य विरुद्धं सज्जतां कुरुत; यत्र सः बलवान् अस्ति, तत्र तं परिहरतु। तस्य सेनापतिं क्रुद्धं कृत्वा तं भ्रमयतु। हीनतायाः अभिनयं कृत्वा तस्य दम्भं चोदयतु। सूर्य त्ज़ु Located on her back . Translated as:

All warfare is based on deception. Therefore, when capable, feign incapacity; when active, inactivity. When near, make it appear that you are far away; when far away, that you are to lure him; feign disorder and strike him. When he concentrates, prepare against him; where he is strong, avoid him. Anger his general and confuse him. Pretend inferiority and encourage his arrogance. Sun Tzu

सर्वेषु इतिहासेषु दीर्घकालं यावत् युद्धेन देशस्य लाभः जातः इति कोऽपि उदाहरणः नास्ति । दीर्घयुद्धस्य विनाशकारीप्रभावं ज्ञात्वा एव तस्य समापनार्थं द्रुततायाः परमं महत्त्वं ज्ञातुं शक्नोति । सूर्य त्ज़ु Located on her back . Translated as:

In all history, there is no instance of a country having benefited from prolonged warfare. Only one who knows the disastrous effects of a long war can realize the supreme importance of rapidity in bringing it to a close. Sun Tzu

शत्रुं ज्ञातुं भवता शत्रुः भवितुमर्हति। सूर्य त्ज़ु Located on the back of her neck . Translated as:

To know your Enemy, you must become your Enemy. Sun Tzu

युद्धाय सज्जः योद्धा मृत्योः अपि सज्जः भवितुमर्हति । सूर्य त्ज़ु Located on the front of her neck. Translated as:

A warrior who is prepared to fight must also be prepared to die.
Sun Tzu

अतः सैन्यबलस्य नित्यं निर्माणं नास्ति, जलस्य नित्यं आकारः नास्ति : प्रतिद्वन्द्वस्य अनुसारं परिवर्तनं कृत्वा अनुकूलनं कृत्वा विजयं प्राप्तुं क्षमता प्रतिभा इति कथ्यते। सूर्य त्ज़ु Located on her chest above her right breast . Translated as:

So a military force has no constant formation, water has no constant shape: the ability to gain victory by changing and adapting according to the opponent is called genius. Sun Tzu
युद्धस्य दोषान् यः न जानाति तस्य लाभस्य मूल्याङ्कनं कर्तुं न शक्नोति। सूर्य त्ज़ु
Located on her right hip . Translated as:

Who does not know the evils of war cannot appreciate its benefits.
Sun Tzu

बुद्धेः सत्यं चिह्नं न ज्ञानं किन्तु कल्पना एव। अल्बर्ट आइन्स्टाइन
Located on her chest above her left breast . Translated as:

The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination. Albert Einstein

यथार्थस्य जगतः सीमाः सन्ति, भवतः कल्पनालोकः सीमारहितः अस्ति Located on her back of her right arm – written sideways . Translated as:

While the world of reality has its limits, the world of your imagination is without boundaries Wayne Dyer


Spouse None
Children None
Father Tey Black (Deceased)
Mother Janine Black (Deceased)
Brother(s) Shaun, Toby, Brad, Ross, Ryan, Aric, Callum, Doen, Francis, Garrick, Kiam, (All deceased). Leigh, Marcus, Brett, Mark, Todd, Beast and Vicktor – Still Alive
Sister(s) Vikki, Angel, Emily, Eden. Rose (All deceased). Active, Luna, Starr, Ribbon, Kyaron, Kyia and Sammy – Still Alive
Other Family There are Fifty seven children of her siblings, and there are Twenty Nine children of her siblings children, but Mad doesn’t wish to encounter or associate with them.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Maddison ‘Mad’ Black is a very complex person. A quiet individual who doesn’t panic or get stressed, at least on the outside. Nor does she swear, curse, rant or rave. If she must swear, she uses the phrase ‘Tomato paste’. She doesn’t play games, though she is well versed in playing the game should it be necessary. She isn’t one to tolerate people who use their family name to climb the ladder and will give unusual tasks to those who attempt to play with her or rank. Loyal to those above her, on the outside, while thinking they are idiots on the inside, she keeps her thoughts to herself. She has a perfect poker face and isn’t the least bit concerned what others think of what she does or who she is. She has a ‘knack’ of being able to pick up a piece of equipment and know how to pull it apart or use it. She doesn’t make a big deal of what she can do. Having experience with children, adults, idiots, alpha males, time wasters there is little someone can do, that takes her by surprise. Mad will often walk past a situation and let it play out, if it’s not taking place in the wrong place. Mad is deaf, like the majority of deaf speakers, the little words which make hearing speech flow are often omitted. There is a slight difference when she speaks, that makes it clear that she hears differently then others with no hearing loss.
Strengths & Weaknesses Mad is a woman who has experienced a lot of things in her life, and it is because of experiencing those things that she can’t relax and sit quietly. She needs to keep her brain active and occupied. Some of her strengths are also her weaknesses. She doesn’t like being out the front, she prefers to lead from the middle, but that often doesn’t happen. She has learnt to keep her emotions hidden to the point that she’s pushed her emotions out of existence. She hates nosey parkers, medical professionals, counsellors, people who use family connections to climb the ranks. She has no problem stepping on toes should that be necessary. She can play the game if needed, but prefers not too. Just because she doesn’t comment or react doesn’t mean she is not aware of the act. She has the ability to learn by feel, rather than a text book. But she’ll use both. Her uses of the unusual to solve problems are known to get her unusual reactions.
Ambitions Mad doesn’t have ambitions, she reacts to situations. She deals with what is presented or put before her.
Hobbies & Interests Exercising – using standard and unusual practices, all things survival, learning new things, studying, educating herself, acquiring new skills, constantly undertaking new qualifications. Keeping her old knowledge active, imagining, teaching, creating Holosimulations. Applying applications to different applications, diving wet and dry, people watching. Amusement parks, animals, training / instructing, cross bows, weapons, viruses / toxins/ weapons. Keeping her mind active. Rescue Retrieval Recovery, Making models, tattooing, sports. History, facts, trivia, giving dead topics new life. Non tech solutions. Reading. Breaking or setting new records, keeping unoccupied hands and minds occupied, running courses, education. Familiarising herself with the extra-ordinary.

Personal History Born into a large family, Mad was the odd child out, as she was born deaf. Her parents had to go back seven generations before they were able to find anyone within their family that suffered hearing loss. Mad’s family went to war with each other, over whether she should be fitted with a implant allowing her to hear. Mad was the one who decided, continuing to disassemble the outer section of the implant, until her family came to realise that she could live, work and learn in a hearing world without sound. It was her announcement that she would cut herself open to permanently remove the implant, that her parent’s admitted defeat. From the age of six, Mad was without sound. Her relationship with her family is not a good one, and it wasn’t until she was twelve that she ‘heard’ from one of her siblings that they had been told to make her life hell to make her agree to the implant. It wasn’t a surprise.
Joining Starfleet at the age of twenty two, already with several years Wet Damage Control Engineering experience. She was assigned to the USS Yackandrah on graduating from the Starfleet Academy, as a Wet Dry Damage Control Engineer. Six months into her first assignment, the USS Yackandrah disappeared with all souls onboard. Ten years after the Yackandrah went missing, no one was wiser about what had happened, and all souls onboard were declared dead, ten years later when wreckage from the Yackandrah were located light years from her last known location.

Thirty Three years after being declared dead, the USS Cartwright duplicated the USS Yackandrah’s disappearance, only instead of years later finding wreckage, the USS Cartwright was found drifting in the Gamma Quadrant by the USS Toongabbie, with seven survivors from the USS Yackandrah and four survivors from the USS Cartwright. The Cartwright reappeared twenty years after it disappeared.

The seven survivors of the Yackandrah were transferred to a secure quarantine facility and were studied. They were cleared, and confirmed as original Yackandrah crew. Their body systems had been rewired, they no longer aged like normal Humans, their growth rate had slowed, so they aged at the rate of sixteen years to every one. The survivors appearance was that of a mid thirty year old Human. Once the survivors were cleared they were reassigned to various bases, ships, stations, orbitals, planets undertaking various duties.

Back on active duty within Starfleet Mad was a different person. She put major distance between herself and her family. She went silent and stayed silent. Engineers on Morisset Station, created a lower arm communications sleeve that replaced the standard communications badge. Mad began to adjust to the new being she was. She adjusted to only needing seventy five minutes of sleep per fifty five hours of awake time. She adjusted to needing little food and minimal liquid to survive, but she struggled with any empty mind. While before she had enjoyed her relaxation time, now her brain needed constant stimulation, so she began to study different topics to keep her brain settled.
Gone was the woman who had been easy going, replaced by the woman who had returned. The assigned Starfleet personnel, closed around her, building a wall, keeping the outside from barging in. Mad spent the first fifteen years at Morisset Station and learnt how to deal with what was now her norm. She had never been an A student, she hated the classroom, but now she found she has acquired the ability to hold or touch a device and somehow it revealed everything about it to her brain. Studying manuals, became easier, as they often filled in the blanks, and it kept the instructors off her back.

Reassigned to Ottaway, a small colony of scientists, Mad continued to learn more, graduating in both what interested her and what she needed to keep her brain from cracking. She learnt from those at Ottaway, the misfits, antisocialists, the outsiders, the ones that weren’t comfortable being on the front line, and life seemed to become easier.

From Ottaway, to the Marine’s, it had never been an option before, but her experience with what had happened on the Yackandrah had opened doors that hadn’t opened before. Grabbing the opportunities with both hands, she never said no. Taking those opportunities and making them hers. Things that had mattered before , didn’t atter now and she developed her ‘I’m deaf, so what’ attitude. People paid attention.

As she slowly aged, her family shrunk, first her parents, then some of her siblings, not all of them though. She hadn’t gone home and had no wish to be involved in their lives. She was happy with hers and with that she learnt more. People wanted their lives to be filled with family and happy moments, she wanted to be left alone. There were plenty of colleagues, but never anyone closer, and that suited her fine. It seemed even the constant counsellors had changed, they were more focused on her, then what they thought she needed. They were always there but it stopped being something she hated. The more she settled, the more they sank into the darkness.

From the marine base, to one, then three marine vessels, she refused to give up what she had, to take on new skills. Finally, they were beginning to understand. Allowances were made, WDDCE and a marine sniper, roll them both in combat engineering skills, butter it with RRR, steam it with some disaster oil, add a few drops of food systems, bathe it in an iceberg or two, a tablespoon of crime scene, add a bit of alien tech, round it off with end of life training, chop off a trapped leg, diffuse an explosive round, anything that had a bite of risk suited her well. She had a different way of dealing with that risk, to her it wasn’t bad it was thrilling, but she kept it hidden.

It also saw her climb rung by rung up the ladder, but she still couldn’t stand those who played the game, thinking they had a right because of who their father was. She quietly enjoyed the look on their faces as she stepped over them. She had no problem with how she handled things. She was different and that was as much a part of her, as was being deaf.
Service Record Joined Starfleet at age 22, as a WDDCE (Wet Dry Damage Control Engineer). Assigned to the USS Yackandrah. The Yackandrah was declared lost six months later with all souls onboard. Investigations into the ship’s disappearance remained unsolved, and all souls onboard were declared dead, ten years later when wreckage from the Yackandrah were located light years from her last known location.
Thirty Three years after being declared dead, the USS Cartwright duplicated the USS Yackandrah’s disappearance, only instead of years later finding wreckage, the USS Cartwright was found drifting in the Gamma Quadrant by the USS Toongabbie, with seven survivors from the USS Yackandrah and four survivors from the USS Cartwright. The Cartwright reappeared twenty years after it disappeared.
The seven survivors of the Yackandrah were transferred to a secure quarantine facility and were studied. They were cleared, and confirmed as original Yackandrah crew. Their body systems had been rewired, they no longer aged like normal Humans, their growth rate had slowed, so they aged at the rate of sixteen years to every one. The survivors appearance was that of a mid thirty year old Human. Once the survivors were cleared they were reassigned to various bases, ships, stations, orbitals, planets undertaking various duties.
Service Record Note – The events which the Yackandrah crew went through is not listed here, It will come out in due course. There would be rumours abound. Weird, strange, exaggerated.
Mad is qualified in the following –
Accident Investigations Specialist – AIS is a person responsible for investigating accidents and ruling on what caused the accident to happen. They can also make rulings and recommendations to avoid reoccurrences. They do not charge individuals.
Accreditation Specialist - A person is who is able to sign off on the completion and passing of courses.
Acupuncturist and Natural Healer – A natural healer uses, old traditions. Using herbs, plants, needles along with other mediums once associated with Chinese or other medicine.
Alcohol Specialist – A person certified to create food/drinks with alcohol.
Alien Systems Specialist – ASS is an engineering specialist who operates / repairs / creates alien systems which are not standard on ships, space stations, colonies. Example A Borg system installed on Starfleet ships.
Candy Maker – A food specialist qualified to make candy.
Combat Systems Engineer – CSE is an engineering specialist who operates / repairs / creates combat systems for ships, space stations, colonies.
Crime Scene Specialist – CSS is a person who is certified to examine a crime scene for law enforcement, command, Starfleet or a requesting authority body. They are also qualified to clean and sterilise crime scenes.
Defensive/Offensive System Engineer – DOS is an engineering specialist who operates / repairs / creates Defensive/Offensive systems for ships, space stations, colonies.
Disaster Chief Controller – A person who is trained in the field of Disaster Response. A person at the controller level takes charge of rescue or aftermath co-ordination.
Dive Specialist – A person who is certified to work in the aquatic realm.
Educator of – Infectious Diseases, History, Survival, Physical Education, Science, Engineering, Massage, Therapy, RRR, Battle Tactics, Weapons, Holosimulations, Food. EOL protocol, as well as mainline topics.
Emergency System Engineer – ESE, is an engineering specialist who operates / repairs / creates emergency systems for ships, space stations, colonies.
Explosive Ordnance Specialist – A person certified to create, defang, repair, dispose of, explosive devices.
Food Specialist – A person certified to create food/drinks with eatables.
Food System Specialist – FSS is a person who operates / repairs / creates food systems for ships, space stations, colonies. A FSS can also be in charge of a hydroponic, aquaponic or similar system producing food for a ship, station or colony.
Holodeck Simulation Creator – A writer / creator who creates various holodeck simulations for entertainment / training use by others.
Holodeck Specialist – A person who is qualified to handle matters involving holodecks.
Information Collection Specialist – ICS is a person who is a collector of information. They can be used to undertake background checks by authorities or agencies. Or they can be tasked with confirming or denying gathered information.
Instructor – Mad is a Instructor qualified in what she is qualified in. Qualified for both Starfleet and Starfleet Marine fields.
Isolation Suit Engineer – ISE is an engineering specialist who operates / repairs / creates Isolation suits or NonAtmos for ships, space stations, colonies. They also operate, repair and create other suits for tasking like underground mining suits.
Life Support Engineer – LSE is an engineering specialist who operates / repairs / creates life support systems for ships, space stations, colonies.
Maintenance Engineer – Like a damage control engineer, but whose job is to maintain and repair any system that is used by ships, space stations, colonies
Manual Creator – A person who creates training manuals, for the use of others.
Marine Sniper – High precision marksman. Sniper by rifle and crossbow.
Marine - Ghost Walker Unit Team Leader of Ghost Walker Team 1 & 2.
Massage Therapist - Massage therapists perform their duties by manipulating soft-tissues of the body through touch. By this process, therapists relieve stress, rehabilitate injuries, increase the general wellness of clients, improve circulation of blood and air and increase relaxation.
Medical System Engineer – MSE is an engineering specialist who operates / repairs / creates medical systems for ships, space stations, colonies.
Missileer – A person who is certified to create, load, repair or disassemble and free missiles or torpedoes. This certification allows them to handle all aspects of requirements to do with missiles or torpedoes,
Natural Environmentalist Specialist – A certified person called upon to move Icebergs from shipping lanes.
Protection Specialist – A person who protects others. They are also qualified to use specialist equipment.
Quartermaster – A person responsible for administering barracks, laying out the camp, and looking after supplies.
Rescue Retrieval Recovery Specialist – RRRS is an engineering / first responder specialist who operates / repairs / creates / controls / co-ordinates Rescue Retrieval Recovery support systems for ships, space stations, colonies. RRR now includes SERE Specialist & Pararescue - SERE stands for survival, evasion, resistance, and escape. = Mad is qualified to amputate limbs to allow removal from site.
Tattoo Body Specialist – A person who is qualified to use a tattoo gun to create images or words on the body using ink.
Transportation Engineer – TEP or TEC is an engineering specialist who operates / repairs / creates transportation systems both for personnel or cargo for ships, space stations, colonies.
Triage Co-ordinator – A person who identifies the level of ranking that mass casualties are in disasters, when response services are limited. = The decider of whom doesn’t get treated. The person who provides, once protocol is met, end of life solutions.
Tunnel RAT – A certified person who builds, repairs, maintains tunnels. Depending on certification they can also be called upon to co-ordinate rescues or destruction of tunnels.
Waste Management Engineer – WME is an engineering specialist who repairs. Creates, operates waste management systems for ships, space stations, colonies.
Weapons System Engineer – WSE is an engineering specialist who operates / repairs / creates weapons systems for ships, space stations, colonies.
Weapons System Specialist – WSS is an engineering specialist who operates / repairs / creates weapons systems for ships, space stations, colonies.
Wet Dry Damage Control Engineer – WDDCE is an engineering specialist who repairs problems in general, especially in dangerous times.
Additional Notes - Mad does not use a communicator because she is deaf, she uses a wrist to elbow sleeve communications keyboard which receives verbal messages and translates them to text and the device translates sign to verbal back. They keyboard is not made up of keys with letters and numbers. It is made up of keys with sign symbols on them.

Mad does not have a hearing device implanted. She constantly removed the device, when she was young. When it was identified that she could live, work and play being deaf, it was removed. She will, if necessary, deliberately not ‘hear’ something to push the issue if someone wants or attempts to play or make an issue of her lack of hearing. She is fully capable of lip reading.