Commander Victor SPADE

Name Victor SPADE

Position Retired Cast

Rank Commander


  • 4 Mission Posts

Last Post

2024, Tue May 7th, @ 6:24am

Character Information

Gender Male
Place Of Origin Risa
MVA Assignment Vector 2
Species Terran
Age 39
Nick Name Vic

Physical Appearance

Height 6
Weight 170
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Youthfully young for his age


Spouse NA
Children NA
Father Mark
Mother Caryn
Brother(s) NA
Sister(s) NA
Other Family N

Personality & Traits

General Overview Victor is a healer at heart and has been one all of his life. Now he does it for Star fleet.
Strengths & Weaknesses Great work ethics but hates to lose a patient.
Ambitions To be a Chief Medical Officer
Hobbies & Interests Golf,sports , caves ,music, medical advances.

Personal History Victor was born on Risa and raised there until age 17. Showing an aptitude to become a healer given the many pets he had mended Victor jumped at the chance to join Starfleet Academy.

Majoring in medical Victor also minor education in surgical procedure.

Victor joined Starfleet Marines and was a Doctor in a company dispatched to Volan 3 following the end of the Maquis.

It was after there he returned and accepted a medical officer position on the USS Nightingale.
Service Record Starfleet Academy- Medical and Surgery
Starfleet Marines- assigned to Volan 3
USS Nightingale -Medical Officer
USS Bowman- Medical Ofgicer