
Chief Medical Officers Log 240208.30

Posted on 2024, Fri Aug 30th, @ 9:22am by Commander Ardon Devasia

168 words; about a 1 minute read

Chief Medical Officers Log Stardate 240208.30

We have received and secured Medical Supplies for Cestus-3. Several nurses and medical technicians have have also transferred in, so I have a mountain of paperwork to do as I attempt to administrativelyrack and stack them. I always feel a little anxious when we have dealings with the Gorn. Ironic since I'm probably the only member of the crew they wouldn't like to eat. On a brighter note the Bolian Lager that I brewed has produced 53 bottles. The alcohol content is about 8.7 percent. I am looking forward to the official launch party. Most of the crew seem to like my lager so it shouldn't present any problems for delicate palettes.

Ensign Paulson came in this morning with a hangnail. Lt Erica Palmer came in feeling some nausea. I ran a scan on her and it turns out she is 3 weeks pregnant. Congratulations to Erica an her husband Paul two of the best botonists we have.

Dr Ardon Devasia, Chief Medical Officer
USS Resolute



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