Christopher Townsend

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Displaying 3 of 3 personal logs

Title Blurb
on 2023, Wed Dec 6th, @ 10:49am
Admiral's log: After a long and arduous journey, we have finally arrived at New Romulus. The crew is currently busy getting suited up and preparing… View Log
Update, and More Romulans
on 2023, Thu Oct 5th, @ 2:35pm
Chris, a seasoned officer of Starfleet, sits in his Ready Room, a small, quiet space reserved for officers to work in solitude. He looks calm… View Log
New Start
on 2023, Tue Aug 22nd, @ 1:04pm
Admirals Log StarDate 79639.83587011672, As of Now We got a SEC/TAC Chief, And I am Going to Meet with him Later, But Now We will… View Log